Saturday, May 27, 2006

As a Christian, I am a missionary, an evangelist and a theologian. This is not so much my choice: anything else would be a contradiction in terms.

David Smith, a lecturer at the International Christian College, where I'm a student right now, writes this:

"Missionaries, evangelists and theologians who seek to break new ground at the frontiers of cultures and religions must also seek to cope with the tension between the new and the old, encouraging the emergence of fresh forms of Church while remaining in fraternal dialogue with the congregations from which they have come, always seeking to remind brothers and sisters at both ends of this spectrum of their primary and overarching identity as members of the new humankind brought into existence by the redemptive love of God revealed in Christ."
[Mission After Christendom, Darton Longman & Todd 2003]

Here is where I see myself - a member of redeemed humankind at the cusp of shifting paradigms without and within. On the Way, for there is only one; On the Way, for life is a journey, On the Way, for I certainly haven't arrived there yet.

How do I know the Way? I don't - a lot of the time - if by that you mean all the answers, or even all the questions... But I know one who is the Way. And he'll get me there, wherever I'm going.

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